v0.99a (Beta)

  • Resolved the size issue of the Sceneview right click menu when there are only one or two targets on the spawner (Unity 2023.2 and newer).
  • Fixed an error in the Sceneview right click menu that occurred when no writable Shortcut Manager profiles exist.
  • Fixed a skipped line of editor code preventing the build.
  • Fixed a bug in "Pickable One Hand" where one Interactor dropping an object caused issues with another Interactor picking it up. Now they can play ball.

  • Fixed various null reference errors.

v0.99 (Beta)

  • Interactor Full Body IK system added. It allows your entire skeleton, not just the arms and legs, to adjust dynamically to reach objects. This enhancement makes interactions significantly more realistic. For more details on the Full Body IK system, including instructions for enabling or disabling it, please refer to the relevant section.

  • Some interaction types have been removed or changed. Climbable and Cover were removed to prioritize more important types. ManualForce and ManualHit were removed as they can be achieved with other types. For example, ManualButton hitting examples can be found in the 03_InteractorPaths scene (boxing bags).
  • DefaultAnimated has been replaced by the DistanceRange interaction type, and a new DefaultOnce interaction type has been added. Refer to their sections for details. Truck doors and the elevator in the 01_ProtoMan example scene use DistanceRange. MultipleCockpit has been renamed to MultipleMoveBody.
  • Examples have been simplified, with script connections to core Interactor scripts removed. Instead, they trigger InteractorObject or InteractorTarget events to communicate with other objects, which can be inspected in the inspector.

  • The entire Examples folder is now optionally imported. The Interactor package size has been reduced from 200+ MB to 43 MB, and the core is just 7 MB if you delete the Examples package. When you import Examples through the Interactor Welcome Window, it will automatically delete the Examples package upon closing, as it's no longer needed. You can re-import it anytime by re-importing the Interactor package or using the Import button to download Examples package. Textures are also now separate and must be downloaded via the Welcome Window.

  • Some warnings appeared in newer Unity versions due to obsolete functions, but these have been fixed. All scripts are updated, and the package now works smoothly from Unity 2019 to Unity 2023. The right-click menu has been fixed and updated to work alongside Unity's new right-click functionality.
  • InteractorStates has been removed. It previously stored Interactor and Player states, adding them when the game started. This is no longer necessary, as it has been replaced with a more efficient method.
  • More API functions have been added. Complete API documentation will be included in v1.0.
  • Fixed rare errors in Manual interactions that caused them to get stuck and become unreusable. And stopping interactions no longer causes failed resets for interactions. Fast interactions now work without issues.

  • Improved InteractorAiInput for better compatibility with the new input system.
  • CreateTarget now properly scales when the main avatar is imported with import scale.
  • Numerous quality of life fixes and updated links. Vehicle part interactions are now fixed, and all doors and elevators run smoothly (not directly related to Interactor, but improving the examples).

v0.98a (Beta)

  • Improved Procedural Bezier system for PickableOne interactions and the system is quite smart now. It carefully analyzes all possible hold point changes around the player, avoiding passing through the body and unwanted hand movements when you change between hold points, while creating bezier curves around the player instead.

  • Pivot rotations for each axis work flawlessly now, even on fast-rotating objects. You can check the old bottle example in the Pick Up scene. Throw it and pick it up in the air to see how its pivot rotates on the Y-axis.

  • Resolved a bug related to the minimum height in Orbital Reach, ensuring proper orbital checks when initiating interactions.
  • Inventory components now have links to their respective documentation pages. You can navigate to the documentation page of each Interactor component by clicking on the '?' icon in the top corner of the component.
  • The Auto button on the Interactor now streamlines nearly every aspect of the setup process for your convenience. The InteractorIK component will be automatically included, and the system will also proactively identify and alert you to common issues with your player.
  • Inventory bug fixed that was causing items to stay in inventories when throwing or dropping them.
  • The speed multipliers for changing hold positions have been fixed and are now functioning properly.
  • Dropped items now return to their original parent.
  • Reverse Rotation option added for changing positions of Pick Up hold points. You can enable it to override the rotation direction when you need a longer path, instead of Unity's default shortest path algorithm for rotation slerp.

  • The first Interactor tutorial has been updated for the easier setup, and now incorporating instructions for Orbital Reach too. It also includes valuable information tailored for new users.

v0.98 (Beta)

  • New one-handed pick-up system along with a complementary inventory system. The new pick-up system provides a wide range of options for holding and dropping items, allowing players to store them on their bodies as equipment with corresponding animations. Additionally, inventories can be utilized to store items, represented by icons. Many of these features are highlighted in the latest trailer.

  • 05_Pickables and Inventories example scene added to show and try all new features.

  • Various fixes for the OrbitalReach system to enhance its compatibility and performance with both Animator Normal and Animate Physics modes.
  • Pivots rotate towards elbows for hand targets. Other effector types will continue to rotate toward effector positions (on Interactor Effector rules).
  • Non humanoid support ended to focus on humanoids. Also First Person rig example removed since it wasn't humanoid. You can still use First Person characters if they're humanoid avatars.
  • Several improvements and code changes. New Interactor and InteractorObject public access methods.

v0.97 (Beta)

  • OrbitalReach is an advanced animation system that facilitates seamless interaction with objects in all directions. When turned on, you don't have to worry about effector rules, as the player dynamically adjusts their body to reach them. Whether above, below, behind, or elsewhere, this AAA feature empowers users to interact effortlessly with objects at any height, angle, or distance around the player. Feel free to check out its tutorial video.

  • zOnly option removed since it is unnecessary.
  • Pickup One Hand and Multiple interaction types improved.
  • Several fixes and code improvements.

v0.96 (Beta)

  • The Animation Assist system has been integrated. The new AnimAssist component allows you to use any animation clip to support interactions for more realism. It is easy to use and easy to edit. Simply add clips, enable Anim Assist on the InteractorObject, and set your clip time to start the interaction. When you initiate your interaction with the same button, it will trigger the animation and start the interaction at the specified time while playing the clip. It is also possible to use the same clip twice for two-time used interactions (e.g., pick-drop).

  • The old animation states (Pick & Hit) have been removed from the Animator Controller. The clips have been replaced with newer ones, and unnecessary inputs have also been removed.
  • InteractorAi now has mobility checks (body and feet targets). Before starting, it checks if the player has an interaction that prevents it from moving to the next interaction using pathfinding.
  • Pathfinder line gizmos have been improved. It is now clearer which turning lines belong to which point on the path.

  • An Interactor CreateTarget button has been added for more convenient target creation. With a simple click, it extracts the body part with all child bones, adds an InteractorTarget with the correct type, and moves the target to the origin point with zero rotations. The only thing that remains is to adjust offsets as you like and create the prefab.

  • Several interactions in example scenes have been improved.

v0.95a (Beta)

  • New Unity Input System errors are fixed.
  • Vehicle errors when using Input System is fixed.
  • TwoBoneIK solver is fixed.
  • TwoBoneIK & InteractorIK for non-humanoids generate warnings in Final IK version now.
  • All character controllers updating in Update() instead of FixedUpdate().
  • MultipleType interactions are fixed when using multiple objects or Interactors.
  • Kinematic warnings (in newer versions of Unity) when using vehicles are fixed.

v0.95 (Beta)

  • Introducing the InteractorAI system! It empowers your players by taking control of their characters and autonomously navigating to interactions. Whether it's close-range or in vast areas, the system operates swiftly. Players no longer need to manually approach interactions; instead, they can watch their characters seamlessly traverse the entire scene. It also allows initiating interactions while in motion, eliminating the need to come to a complete stop before starting them. Additionally, it seamlessly handles moving colliders. With its complete pathfinding capabilities, you have lots of freedom.
  • And a new example scene for InteractorAI added.

  • Improvements and fixes have been implemented to address serious jittery movement. The weights are now synchronized to ensure smoother and more stable motion.
  • InteractorIK now supports Animator Update Physics mode and synchronizes with Animator physics updates by utilizing LateFixedUpdate.
  • On versions 2022.2 and newer versions, critical Sceneview right-click menu bugs have been resolved.
  • Pickable object speed settings have been fixed, ensuring that all easing functions work properly.
  • Various examples in the scenes are improved.
  • Resolved LookAtTarget error that occurs when objects are destroyed.
  • Interactor and InteractorObject use fixes.
  • Fixed various null errors for improved stability.
  • Workflow enhanced for improved efficiency.
  • Interactor now seamlessly integrates with popular Asset Store controllers, providing out-of-the-box compatibility.
  • New tutorials for both Interactor setups and InteractorAI for different controllers added to videos section.

v0.94 (Beta)

  • InteractorPaths added. Ability to add bezier curves for interactions so effector bones can follow them to reach target or multiple targets. It contains tools for modifying the paths in editor and runtime. Ability to add middle segments to create extra interactions within the interaction. It has highly optimized event system and ability to change gestures in mid-way with no extra cost. Full sceneview workflow with keyboard shortcuts and preview feature to see them in action with a single shortcut in editor. You can see them in the 0.94 trailer.
  • InteractorTarget overhaul with lots of features. InteractorTarget and its gizmos work for Final IK too.
  • All example scenes are overhauled. And a new example scene for InteractorPaths added.

  • New Interactor component minimize mode. It is more fit now.
  • Interactor effector rules automatic setup. Single click can set your effector rules.

  • Final IK InteractionSystem is dropped which also better for performance. Final IK integration has now %100 same workflow. All components and %99 of the codes are the same.
  • ExtraDebugs for tracking every detail of of Interactions in runtime for debugging purposes. Can be used for any amount of effectors at the same time. Screen placements are automatic and flexible for any platform.

  • SpeedCurve overhaul. SpeedCurve is now checked by InteractorTarget to prevent user errors. All changes on speed can be viewed in Sceneview Speed Debug. And all interactions can be previewed in editor.

  • Fix for wrist deformations when hands are rotated too much.

  • MatchChildBones optimization. Now all targets can use other target child bones data for finger rotations.
  • Faster workflow with SceneView shortcuts. You can find all shortcuts in InteractorPath Example Scene on the wall infos. Also, now SceneView window allows you to change sliders with the mouse wheel. It is faster than trying to click on tiny slider thumb.

  • Various Interaction Type fixes.
  • Lots of other changes, fixes and improvements.
  • All Unity versions up to latest 2021.3 LTS are tested. Minor errors and sceneview placements issues for some specific versions are fixed.

v0.89 (Beta)

  • TwoBoneIK Solver added for non-humanoids
  • PlayerState singleton requirement removed (Now it is InteractionStates and automatically handled per Interactor)
  • Multiple Interactors in same scene allowed. Each Interactor only cares about its object in runtime and Scene windows/Spawner will use the latest selected Interactor as base in Editor. Gizmos will show up depending on their Interactor's debug option. You can use Interactor on your AI characters as well as your player and all the Interactors can interact with each other.
  • Nested Interactions (Interactions can be child of each other) with exluded InteractorObjects
  • Nested targets (Targets can be child of each other) with excluded InteractorTargets
  • InteractorTarget's child bones can match rotations everyframe (Not just target pose, now you can animate each bone, each frame)
  • Disabled InteractorObjects and disabled InteractorTargets gets skipped.
  • Interaction end events (besides the start events)
  • First Person Example Scene for showcasing all new features
  • Minor fixes & improvement

v0.86 (Beta)

  • Faster Workflow with Interaction Presets (New SceneView Window Spawner Mode)
  • Interaction types seperated from InteractorObject as ScriptableObject assets
  • Highly customizable Look settings
  • Interaction Priority values for selecting interactions and their look orders
  • Smooth interaction interruptions with Interrupt Transfer
  • Interaction speeds per InteractorObject
  • Custom easing for interactions with Animation Curves
  • All target spawning rotation modes improved
  • Minimum range added for effector settings
  • All override options added (All angles, min & max ranges) for InteractorTargets
  • Custom layer names
  • Most of interaction types overhauled and improved
  • Predestined drop and hold positions for pick up objects
  • Final IK v2.1 support & All new features for Final IK versions
  • Interactor Core version removed